The next electrical revolution is more than an app
Cause it’s no longer just about the app. It’s about how you, as an energy company, can take control – and lead the transition to a smart grid. But how? Well, you’ll need the App, Power Hub and the powerful Power Dashboard.
Give us three minutes to explain.
Explore the App.
Your customers long for it.
The app helps your customers see the costs in real time, and understand their energy usage. This means they can beat energy thieves. Change behavior. Charge the car smart. And of course: store data and invoices in one place. But wait, did we mention you can get the app with your logo and visual design – so you can call it your own?
There’s much to discover about the app, but we’ve only covered the basics. Time to meet the apps best friend: The Power Hub.
Give the customers control. Get their data in real time.
Meet the Power Hub. It’s the beating heart of your customer’s home. They can, once the hub is installed, see their energy usage in real time. This provides amazing possibilities: connect smart devices. Set energy limits. Lower electricity costs. Even their home can be protected from overcharging, with our Power guard. Simply put, the app and the hub are the first steps towards the energy smart home your customers are dreaming of.
But hey, what are you getting out of it? Time to get behind the meter.
Overview the electrical system. Live.
Now it’s your turn to get insights. Let’s explore the dashboard, cause here’s where all the juicy details are found. See customer activity, production and consumption – in real time. And hey, just imagine the possibilities of gaining insights of the aggregated flow of the energy system? 🤯
But guess what, it doesn’t end here. Cause what if you could control everything? Time to see into the future.
You control your electrical system. And the price.
This is when the magic happens. You have the app, the hub and the all powerful dashboard, all the components making you… a god? 😏 Well, maybe not entirely. But at least now you can do the impossible: control your electrical flow in your own network – second by second.
Let’s say you’re producing more energy than needed, then you can choose to place it into your customers electrical vehichle batteries. What’s the result of that? You now avoid rampant balance costs, and have the power to push down the electricity price for your customers. Energy company of the year? Every year?! Yeah, that’s what it’s like to have Power Flow.
And it’s not only beneficial to you – but to the entire electric system. Would it sound crazy if we scheduled a meeting? 😬
Contact us
Reach out to us to discover how PowerFlow can revolutionize your power management solutions!